Adventures in Brewing

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


This last weekend I picked up two more taps for the Kegerator. I should be installing them on Wednesday this week. I have two Cornies that need some refurbishing before they are usable. Excited to get them working and pressurized. Will post pics when I finish installing the taps.

UPDATE: Drilled the extra holes for the taps last night. If I have time tonight I will pull the plastic off the inside of the door and insert the supports and install the taps. Otherwise it will have to wait until Monday when we get back.

UPDATE: Alright, here it is with the three taps installed. I still have a little work to do on the cornies before I'll have them all pouring and I still need one more tap handle.
UPDATE: I have two cornies up and running at the moment. I haven't had enough spare time to try and get the last one sealed. I have two things on tap right now and am planning on brewing two batches this weekend. Guess I better get on it so I'll be able to drink those beers when they are ready.


  1. Big Twilight fan huh? To me, I think the books/movies are girly, but to each his own.

  2. Haha, so funny.... That was actually given to me by a high school student when I was working at a church as the Jr High Director. I think it was for my birthday or something like that.

  3. So what's the dealie-o? Cornies up and running or what? What's been brewing? Inquiring minds want to know....
